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Pros and Cons of Artificial Golf Turf

Golf is a sport in which players use different types of clubs to hit balls into a number of holes. This has been described as a gentleman’s sport and many a golf courses are the venues for sealing business deals. This is also one sport that’s said to utilize all the muscles in the body. 

The golf course cannot be what it is without lush green grass; we dare say that it is one of the most important features of the game. Without a field, where would players putt? There’s so much to be said about the sport but this is not the time or place. You can visit https://en.wikipedia.org/ for a complete discourse on the subject. 

Importance of Artificial Golf Turf

A turf is necessary for practicing the game of golf. It is also essential for both backyard games and professional face-offs. A turf provides the perfect landscape for a successful game. Without a playing field, aspiring golfers cannot perfect their game. 

What characterizes a good golf course is the quality of the grass; how well kept it is amongst other factors.  We all know that maintaining a lush lawn requires commitment and money (more than many are ready to invest). For this reason, a lot of people consider artificial turfs. 

These artificial turfs provide a good alternative for the consistency, strength and durability that players need for that constant practice that perfects their swing. Unless you own an established golf course/club, these turfs are your best bet for getting the best of the game.

Because of how important a turf is to the game of golf, many homeowners who cannot afford to maintain a ‘professional’ putting green, make do with artificial turfs. Does this now mean that they are getting a lower quality of the game? We say an emphatic NO! To this end, we would discuss the pros and cons of artificial golf turfs. 

Pros of Artificial Golf Turf

The market for synthetic grass keeps growing by the day. This is because a lot of people have come to see the huge advantages that an artificial golf turf provides. The following are some of those advantages:- 

  1. Low Maintenance – Households with artificial lawns spend less in annual cost of maintenance. This also applies to golf turfs as synthetic grass does not need watering, mowing, fertilizing or seeding. Once it is installed, little care is needed to keep it looking good at all times. 
  2. Pest Free– Does not provide a great habitat for pests and insects
  3. Cost Effective – Once it is installed. You do not have to spend extra money on maintenance and you save on water bills. 
  4. Drought Resistant– Since it doesn’t require watering, it cannot be affected by drought. 
  5. Safer – Due to the fact that most synthetic grass comes with underlays, it creates a safer space for users. Children also get to play safely on it.
  6. Environmental Friendly– Due to the recycling of the materials used in manufacturing, these synthetic grasses reduces carbon foot print on the environment. Some of these products have rubber in their infill. This helps to reduce the tyres that are dumped in landfills on a yearly basis.  
  7. Available for Use All-year Round– Synthetic grass is not affected by any change in weather. Technology provides quick draining in seasons of heavy rain and heat resistance during hot summer months. 
  8. Durable – Premium quality turf can last for as long as 20 years. 
  9. Customizable – You can always get the quantity you want to fit your space. Additionally, you can also get the perfect height for your putting needs. 

Cons of Artificial Golf Turf

  1. Costly Installation Cost– The upfront cost of installation is usually high.
  2. Can Get Hot Compared to Natural Grass – Due to its synthetic nature, it can get hotter than natural grass. However, you can mitigate this by buying one that has heat extracting technology. Click here for more info. 
  3. Doesn’t Absorb Pet Waste – If your pets pee on your synthetic grass, it remains there and leaves a bad odour unless you hose it down. This is unlike natural grass that would absorb the waste and turn it to fertilizer. 


The truth is that there is no right and wrong choice when it comes to natural and synthetic grass. We have provided brief information on the pros and cons of artificial turf.  Looking at these factors, you have basic information needed to make an informed choice. 

We must add on a final note that getting the best of an artificial golf turf depends on the quality of the product. Ensure that you check out reputable brands that put out only great quality products. Do not skim on the dollar because premium quality products don’t come cheap. 

That said, do take out some time to do a comparative analysis of price so that you can get good value for your money!

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