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3 Things To Do When Your Health Starts To Decline As You Age


For most people, as they continue to age, their health can take a big hit. And while this is a natural and normal occurrence, coming to terms with these changes can be a real challenge. But to help you not be taken by surprise by this, there are things that you can do to help you prepare for this likelihood and continue to find enjoyment in your life.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three things to do when your health starts to decline as you age. 

Consider Documenting More Of Your Life

As you start nearing the end of your life, you may begin to think about things like the legacy you’re leaving behind and how people will remember you when you’re no longer here.

To help ensure that there are things for your friends and loved ones to look back on and remember you by, you may want to start documenting more of your life. If you don’t already have a journal that you’ve written down things about your life in, this could be a great time to start so that you can share your stories with others. You can also do a video journal so that your friends and loved ones can have footage of you speaking that they can watch when you’re gone. 

Start Making Plans For The End Of Life

While you might still have years and years of your life left, it’s never too early to start thinking about some of your end of life plans. Especially if you feel strongly about something, like you want to live in a specific assisted living facility when you can no longer care for yourself, expressly starting these things can be extremely helpful for your friends and loved ones. 

You should also start to make plans about what medical care you want or don’t want, how you want your estate handled, and what you envision the last few days or weeks of your life being like so that others can help to facilitate this for you. 

Do The Things That Bring You The Most Joy

When you’re young, you feel like you have all of the time in the world to take care of things or do things that you’ve always wanted to do. But if you have a health scare in your later years, you’ll soon realize that life feels short and you need to make the most of the time you have left. 

As part of this, you should try to do more of the things that bring you joy. Read those books you love, see the people who you enjoy being around, try activities or hobbies that have always interested you. You only have one life to lead, so make the most of it while you’re able to. 

If you’ve noticed that your health has started to decline as you’ve aged, consider implementing some of the tips mentioned above to help you prepare yourself for whatever is to come.

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